E-DLD Data Sharing

The Engage with Developmental Language Disorder or E-DLD project is proud to announce that we are making anonymized E-DLD data available to the wider DLD research community! Data from 298 parents of children with DLD who consented as part of the E-DLD project will be made available to access during DLD awareness week 2024.  This will include data completed at sign up to the project as well as data from our optional yearly surveys of our members.  We have at least one yearly survey from 138 parents of children with DLD.  Many parents have completed multiple years of surveys! This rich dataset provides information on co-occurring conditions, school support and SLT provision, socioemotional functioning, to name just a few domains. Our motivation for making the data available is to provide even more support to the DLD research community to conduct high quality research that could help create better understanding, enhance treatment, and improve outcomes related to DLD. We are adding this opportunity to access E-DLD data to our ongoing efforts to help facilitate recruitment for studies investigating DLD through our regular research emails advertising DLD projects to our members. Information on accessing this data can be found here.


— Dr Michelle St Clair, Professor Nicola Botting, Professor Jenny Gibson, Dr Suze Leitão, Dr Emily Jackson


The QuILLS Lab at the University of Washington is recruiting participants for research